IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2024

Congratulations to Matthew Norcia, winner of the 2024 IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in AMO Physics. The award is made “For his seminal contributions to cavity-QED, optical tweezers, and dipolar quantum gases, specifically, the realization of an optical tweezer clock and of two dimensional supersolids in dipolar quantum gases”. The Prize includes a certificate, a medal, a CHF 1,000 award and an invited presentation at ICAP.

APS Early Career Poster Prize

Congratulations to Chandler Conn & Phelan Yu, winners of the APS Early Career Poster Prize for their poster “High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Radioactive Molecules for Fundamental Physics”. They receive a prize of £500 and a certificate.

ICAP Prizes for outstanding posters

ICAP awarded poster prizes for the following outstanding posters:

  • Mateusz Borkowski for the poster “Coherent Three-Photon Excitation of the Strontium Clock Transition”
  • Alexander Ferk for the poster “Background Free Detection and Light Shift Gate in an Ion Trap with Integrated Photonics”
  • Sarah Hirthe for the poster “Exploring supersolidity with spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates”