Summer School
Venue: St John’s College, University of Oxford
Dates: Monday, July 8 (evening) to Friday, July 12

The school is limited to 100 students. To apply please fill in this form and ask your supervisor to send a short supporting letter to The application deadline is 10th April 2024 and you will be informed if you have been accepted by the end of April. Note that if you require a visa we recommend applying early (by 10th March).
Confirmed Lecturers and topics:
- Jean Dalibard – Ultracold gases
- Francesca Ferlaino – Dipolar gases
- Ana-Maria Rey – Many-body quantum theory
- Ron Folman – Atom chips and interferometry
- Arno Rauschenbeutel – Photonics and cavities
- David Lucas – Ion trapping and quantum computing
- Tracy Northup – Ion trapping and cavities
- Michel Brune – Rydberg atoms and tweezer arrays
Details and costs
The cost of the summer school is £750. This includes 5 nights bed and breakfast accommodation (single rooms with shared bathrooms) within the grounds of St-John’s College, as well as lunches and refreshments each day. Also included are the welcome reception and formal dinner.
Outline Schedule
The summer school will begin with a welcome reception on the evening of Monday 8th July and finish on the evening of Friday 12th July (with accommodation provided on Friday evening) after 4 full days of lectures, student talks, posters sessions and lab tours. On the Thursday evening there will be a summer school formal dinner in the St Johns dining hall.
Final Details
Here is a pdf document with details for summer school participants.
Satellite Meetings
Cold atoms and molecules for fundamental physics
University of Cambridge, 22nd – 24th July
Topics will include long-baseline atom interferometry, gravimetry, eEDM measurements, variations in fundamental constants, atomic clocks, quantum simulations of the early universe, black holes, hawking radiation, and simulation of lattice gauge theories.
Please visit the meeting website for further details.
Trapped ion quantum computing, quantum error correction and applications
University of Sussex, 22nd – 24th July
The focus of this satellite meeting will be on the trapped ion hardware platform, new techniques for error correction and quantum computing applications.
Please visit the meeting website for further details.
Dipolar quantum matter
Durham University, 22nd – 24th July
The aim of this satellite meeting is to strengthen links within the community working on dipolar systems. We will bring together researchers in the fields of ultracold molecules, Rydberg physics and magnetic atoms. The enhanced sensitivity to external fields and the long-range interactions make these systems highly suited to quantum technologies such as simulators, computers and sensors. Through focussed discussions, results sharing, and networking opportunities this conference will further quantum science and collaboration within the community.
Please visit the meeting website for further details.